Providing wastewater treatment, water supply, renewable energy & other infrastructure related project solutions to industries & municipalities, including facilitating project financing; thereby providing 'total' solution in most cost-effective manner.
Consulting/U.S. EPA
With formation of turnkey entity named “Industrial Municipal Contractors”, JMSI participated in implemention of 50+ industrial wastewater pretreatment systems for food & metal processing industries in the U.S. during above period, when initial EPA pretreatment standards had been set for such.
Principal of JMSI also participated as co author with J M Smith Consulting Engineers in development of U.S. EPA Design Manual for Odor & Corrosion Control, Phosphorus & Nitrogen Manuals, & Sewer Systems Infrastructure Analysis & Rehabilitation. Additionally, JMSI contributed to many research papers & articles on innovative, alternate wastewater treatment technologies.
JMSI is happy to provide summaries or detailed information on its U.S. EPA Consulting work, upon request. Back...
JMSI provided engineering, design & consulting services for period of 11 years as team member of Engineering/Consulting Company named J M Smith Consulting Engineers in Cincinnati, Ohio. During this period, JMSI participated in feasibility studies, sewer rate for municipalities, engineering/design for rehabilitation & upgrade of wastewater treatment for municipalities ranging from 0.1 mgd to 40 MGD.
JMSI also provided marketing & business development for engineering & consulting services. Together with J M Smith Consulting Engineers, JMSI participated in engineering, design & turnkey solutions for over 100 industries in providing environmental wastewater treatment solutions & rehabilitation & upgrading projects for municipalities.