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Water Treatment & 


Complete water improvement solutions to governments, municipalities & industries 

  • Surface water from rivers, dams,  reservoirs & surface water treatment plants to provide drinking water.

  • Aquifer water treatment plants to provide drinking water.

  • Seawater & brackish water desalination plants to provide drinking water.


Wastewater Treatment


JMSI recognizes critical needs of preserving environment & controlling pollution of rivers, oceans, reservoirs, etc., that make up our habitat.  
Complete wastewater treatment solutions for municipalities & industries include:

  • Collection systems.

  • Pumping systems, gravity, low pressure systems, vacuum systems, etc.

  • Wastewater treatment plants.

Recycle / Reuse Systems


JMSI recognizes importance of preserving  our most precious commodity “water”. 
Hence, we crucially provide recycling & reuse of wastewater for clients' potable & non potable water needs.
Tertiary Treatment Solutions for Industrial & Municipal Wastewater for reuse as process water or irrigation.


Renewable Bioenergy / Biogas


To meet increasing demands for conservation & tapping into renewable energy sources, JMSI has implemented industrial & municipal waste water treatment project, in which high organic liquid waste water & high solids wastes with high volatile solids can be treated through anaerobic digestion, to harness biogas & convert it in to electricity. 
This bioenergy is utilized as renewable energy by industry / facilities for captive needs or exported to grid.





Project Financing



JMSI has successfuly developed methods of & accrued extensive experience in facilitating low-cost, medium & long-term financing options from various Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) & government-sponsored financing institutions, such as

  • Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM);

  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC); &

  • International Finance Corporation (IFC); 

to mitigate project implementation delays due to budget shortfalls befalling clients.


Other Services



Having worked with many government clients, JMSI has, upon request, considered
other infrastructure related project 

  • Biomass to Energy - e.g. High Energy Crops; Cassava to Energy; Biomass to Energy; High Yielding Crops for Biomass & Energy; etc.

  • Affordable Housing -  e.g., Low Income; Social; & Goverment Personnel Quarters.

  • EZ Roads & Health Care Facilities

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